We combine
efficient companies

under the guidance
of one management team
provide the full
range of services

benefits of the structure

The efficient organization
structure allows us
to considerably reduce
the cost of the services
No numerous offices and personnel with duplicate functions

We combine reputable companies that have good operational experience and cutting edge technologies under the leadership of one efficient management team.

of responsibility

We reduce mobilization cost, minimize non-productive time, efficiently allocate the drilling and auxiliary equipment.

Centralized purchasing
for the companies of the Group

We are given individual preferences and discounts by the equipment manufacturers and vendors, which helps to considerably reduce our Clients’ costs.

join the group

Be part of OGK Group’s history

We welcome the opportunity to consider new prospective exploration firms from both inside and outside Russia joining our Group.

OGK Group’s experience, technological and managerial resources allow our business to efficiently develop, attract new Clients and to reach its full potential.

Please contact us for more detailed information regarding the Company profile and our capabilities.

The success of OGK Group is the success of your business.

Интегрированная сервисная компания, предоставляющая полный цикл услуг на всех этапах освоения месторождений ТПИ. Специализируется на проведении работ по добыче, экскавации и транспортировке горной массы. Оказывает услуги сопровождающей эксплоразведки методом RC и располагает крупнейшим парком RC-станков в России. В Альянсе с южноафриканской компанией Master Drilling занимается строительством стволов и бурением восстающих скважин.

The company provides drilling and blasting services of any complexity at the Geological Exploration, O&G, Energy and Transportation infrastructure objects. Company’s staff have professional education and solid experience in the field of drilling and D&B. Cumulative monthly business volume — more then 3 mln. m³.

AGRP was established in 2016 as an independent production unit for the work on core drilling of wells in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. The company operates five drilling rigs for drilling from PGV. Since 2016, the specialists of the AGRP have been working at the Shahumyan field (Kapansky GOK).

The company with a rich history and excellent staff became part of OGK Group in 2012. Today it is the largest independent company in the Russian Federation, which has qualified team of technology for exploration drilling from underground mining (PGV). The average performance of core drilling from PGV to 2000p.m. / Month / machine. The company was founded on the basis of GRE «Buryatzolotorazvedka» (former structural unit of OAO «Buryatzoloto»). The total annual amount of the exploration diamond drilling — 250 thousand lm.

Reputable company accumulated experience and knowledge of several generations of geologists who participated in the discovery and development of the largest gold provinces and regions, today specializes mainly in the core drilling from the surface. Powerful ITR staff, experienced workers and modern technology work for the leading companies in the field of mining of solid minerals. The total annual volume of core drilling is more than 200 thousand lm.

The business provides transportational backing for OGK Group manufacturing companies’ subsidiaries. It plays the role of the main asset holder, lessee and the owner of permanent assets that are needed for the implementation of the tube sample boring.

The business provides commodities and materials for manufacturing companies’ subsidiaries that have to do with the products of exploration. The company conducts tender processes, procurement and the following off-load of boring tools, chemicals and consumable material. We upbuild longterm partnerships with suppliers, which let us attain arm’s length terms and lower operating costs.

NovaDrilling буровая компания Республики Казахстан, специализируется на разведочном колонковом бурении вертикальных и наклонных скважин в сложных геологических разрезах. Является поставщиком услуг разведочного бурения глобальным горно-металлургическим компаниям, разрабатывающим рудные месторождения в Республике Казахстан.